The Village of Suffern was founded in 1796 by John Suffern who was the first judge in the county. Suffern is part of the town of Ramapo.

This post is for Rose, who grew up in Suffern and misses it a lot. She wanted to know if this sign was still on Rt. 17 ~ yes it is, and Auntie El's Bakery, Antique Shop & Garden Center is still flourishing just north of the Village of Suffern.

Suffern is located at the base of the Ramapo Mountains in the Lower Hudson Valley Region.

It was a quiet day, all I saw were people coming out of florist shops with bouquets for mom.

We try to catch a movie at the Lafayette a few times a year. The Wurlitzer organ is played before the weekend shows.

We rencently saw
Sunshine Cleaners at the Lafayette. It was a pretty good film, starring Alan Arkin, Emily Blunt, and Amy Adams.

Bank on Main Street

Suffern has a lot of good restaurants and fun pubs.

Rocco's Shoe Repair on Main Street.

Quiet living, not too many modern homes at all.

Quite a lot of renovation is going on.
(this is part one of two)