Revitalization of the river front means more parks. What a spectacular view. I love the Hudson River.

Returning to Ossining, this was the most recognizable part of town for me. (I hadn't been up here in ten years.)

There is plenty of simple housing here, but these homes have river views.

The train station was crowded with workers restoring, renovating, & repairing. This gentleman was installing a bird deterrent. Any spot where birds like to roost becomes a problem area.

Park and playground on the waterfront. At first glance it looks like a little lighthouse is behind that playground boat...

but walk further along (and pass a proud parent with little ones) and guess what?

It wasn't a little lighthouse, but a prison observation tower like these. I visited the grounds and an interesting historical exhibit. ( More about the prison and the prison exhibit in the next post. )

There were a lot of large well kept homes. This one had a full river view, with a view of the train station and a birdseye view of the prison as well.

Ossining is a busy town, but it could use more small businesses.

The facade of the huge hardware store on Main Street caught my eye.

This house was directly across from one of the entrances to the prison.

Ossining was originally an Indian village settled by the Sint Sinck Indians. The Sint Sincks (the name roughly meant The People of the Stone Pile or "
Stone upon Stone") were part of the Mohegan - Pequot tribe of Connecticut. In 1685 the Sint Sincks sold their land to Frederick Philipse, a wealthy landowner that already had miles and miles of land which was referred to as his manor.

After the revolution all of the manor, from Ossining to Spuyten Duyvil in The Bronx, was confiscated since Philipse was a loyalist. Parcels of land were auctioned to hard working simple folk like the Dutch tenant farmers.

The Village was called Sing Sing, which was an altered form of Sint Sinck. Later, after Sing Sing prison became well known, the village wanted to psychologically distance itself from the prison, and wanted to change its name to Ossinsing (Os-sin-sing = O Sint Sinck) ) they dropped one letter, decided on the name Ossining. (Os- sin -ing.)