Peekskill is loaded with Victorians and reminded me of Haverstraw & Nyack (across the river.) It was very relaxing to wander around and look at gardens and houses.

An interesting detail ~ shoes made of stained glass mimic the pairs of shoes kids throw over lines. It was an olympic sport in my old neighborhood, every kid did it, so it made me smile to see this version on Brown Street.

Old cigar sign. Peekskill is undergoing major renovation and revitalization right now. Some streets were torn up but it was great to walk through the bit of construction dust and see so many people glad to to be part of the road crew. I never saw so many workers smiling and happy to be busy. ( lots of women on the crew, as well. )The locals were upbeat about the improvements ~
it's a mess, but it's good to see it getting done.
This piano store had some really lovely instruments.

Around the corner from pianos was the Margot Fontaine Ballet School.

I liked the hilliness of the residential areas ~ it made the walking more interesting. I stayed mainly in the old part of town, seeing no need to photograph the strip malls and modern buildings. I talked with a lot of residents and they all seemed to love their town. Almost everyone gave me an address to check out ~ some old building, bakery or bookshop they liked.
Have you been to Kathleen's Tea Room yet? one asked. I do plan to go inside the tea room next time I visit.