Thursday, April 22, 2010

The AT was Born Here

My favorite walk in New York State is on the very first miles of the AT.

But wait... I was on the AT when I took this picture!

Today I got a great hiking related gift from a friend--she gave me a digital voice recorder with all kinds of groovy functions. (Remember the old dictaphone Gary Cooper talked into in the Audrey Hepburn movie "Love in the Afternoon?" ) Well this is light years away from that!

I sometimes stop for a few seconds on a hiking path to type an inspirational thought into my iPod touch, a few days ago I scribbled an idea for a poem on a shopping bag in the car. Later on I was never really able to figure out what I meant by some partial phrases I'd typed into the iPod and I couldn't even read the scribbled words on the bag in the car. So the gift is really perfect-- it's like my friend is psychic or something! ( She's a songwriter and a solitary walker, so she uses one. )