A welcome sight ... maypples along the path.

Started out by quickly circling Hessian Lake, which is at the base of Bear Mtn. ( Anthony's Nose is the mountain in the background.) A good warm-up.

The mists hide the top of Bear Mountain as seen from the bridge.

Crossed back over the bridge. Here I'm standing at the base of Anthony's Nose. I was on a wide raised walkway, in a safe spot, when an old guy driving by stuck his head out of his car window and screamed "Don't fall!" It must have looked like I was in a precarious position to him.

Walked along the shore. A constant light drizzle for about half the time, the temperature seemed to drop at midday, but I was comfy (properly dressed and had a thermos of Earl Grey tea.)

A very quiet Sunday. Not many people out. I was able to help some people who asked for very specific trail directions. That always feels good.
Hike time: 2 hours 20 mins.