Busy turkeys in Liberty.

Roadside waterfall near Denning.

View from Old Loomis Road. So many views are impossible to really capture ~ I drive here often but there's no safe place to pull over and walk. The best view is farther up on the road, but at a dangerous curve, and I wouldn't walk or park there. (The town of Liberty is in the valley in the distance at right.)

Last week in Shandalee. I wanted to see Shandalee Lake, so followed a sign and soon got a bit lost. The road grew narrower, and I saw groups of women in saris walking along. They smiled the waved as I passed. I wasn't too surprised that the road ended at a pretty group of buildings with the distinct look of India in the tranquil design; the sari-clad women had been a tip off. More women strolled the grounds. What I was seeing was the Mother Devine Program in action. ~ open to single women of all ages. Mother Devine refers to the nourishing power of nature.