We wanted to check out the rail trail in Parksville NY yesterday and saw that what appeared to be a bypass was being worked on.

The rail trail system is becoming popular.

The trail was gravel at first but gave way to some terrifically muddy spots. It was a another warm day (a shorts and sleeveless day) but I wear a t shirt , long hiking pants and boots. (thanks to modern technology we have lightweight boots and these light miracle fabrics = no sweat.) but this trail was wet and overgrown.

here you can see the trail becomes a little bit of bridge above this creek.

The nearest landmark for the trail is Litwin's Drug Store on Main Street. A beautiful building, with a carved mortar and pestle design on top, obviously built for a pharmacist. Who knows how much longer the building will be there?

We gave up on the muddy trail after a short time and decided to go and hike up nearby Walnut Mountain instead (photos tomorrow.) We followed it for less than half a mile.

Toys were a summer promise at all the little stores.

Litwin's had a toy department in the back, with a little neon sign above it... TOYS... Since kids got plenty of picnic foods and sweets all summer, toys were the big deal items to plead for, hope for, wish for.

Toys advertised again... and hardware. I like the grocery store a lot. The couple and baby walked up as I was taking pictures and walked right into the frame and stopped. So I snapped them. The baby was checking everything out with great interest.